User talk:Finnegan
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Finnegan, any way of finding out if the following users (and others) come from the same IP address, and blocking it? I'm getting fed up with reverting pages.
User:Rd70572036 User:Rd39598972 User:Rd55196150 User:Rd9335411 User:Rd73617349
Terence McKenna made a lecture about Finnegan Wake, He also reads some fragments and also comments by McLhuan. If u r interested, Ive got it in mp3, I could send them, or dig out a link where I dl them. I really liked the reading that is available here, so I thought its worth expanding upon >D aryah, 29/07/2005
Finnegan, I'd be interested in hearing the mp3 you mentioned. JoeG
Image auto-thumbnailer
Am I doing somthing wrong with the Thumbnail function? The problem is also seen at Giants Causeway.