Page 307
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Visit to Guinness' Brewery, Clubs, Advan- ?FP=307.01"> 1 tages of the Penny Post, When is a Pun not a ?FP=307.02"> 2 Pun? Is the Co-Education of Animus and
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
?FP=307.03"> 3 Anima Wholly Desirable? 1 What Happened at ?FP=307.04"> 4 Clontarf? Since our Brother Johnathan Signed ?FP=307.05"> 5 the Pledge or the Meditations of Two Young ?FP=307.06"> 6 Spinsters, 2 Why we all Love our Little Lord ?FP=307.07"> 7 Mayor, Hengler's Circus Entertainment, On ?FP=307.08"> 8 Thrift, 3 The Kettle-Griffith-Moynihan Scheme ?FP=307.09"> 9 for a New Electricity Supply, Travelling in the ?FP=307.10">10 Olden Times, 4 American Lake Poetry, the ?FP=307.11">11 Strangest Dream that was ever Halfdreamt. 5 ?FP=307.12">12 Circumspection, Our Allies the Hills, Are ?FP=307.13">13 Parnellites Just towards Henry Tudor? Tell a ?FP=307.14">14 Friend in a Chatty Letter the Fable of the ?FP=307.15">15 Grasshopper and the Ant, 6 Santa Claus, The ?FP=307.16">16 Shame of Slumdom, The Roman Pontiffs ?FP=307.17">17 and the Orthodox Churches, 7 The Thirty ?FP=307.18">18 Hour Week, Compare the Fistic Styles of ?FP=307.19">19 Jimmy Wilde and Jack Sharkey, How to ?FP=307.20">20 Understand the Deaf, Should Ladies learn ?FP=307.21">21 Music or Mathematics? Glory be to Saint ?FP=307.22">22 Patrick! What is to be found in a Dustheap, ?FP=307.23">23 The Value of Circumstantial Evidence, ?FP=307.24">24 Should Spelling? Outcasts in India, Collecting ?FP=307.25">25 Pewter, Eu, 8 Proper and Regular Diet ?FP=307.26">26 Necessity For, 9 If You Do It Do It Now. ?FP=307.27">27 Jests and the Beastalk with a little rude hiding rod. Wherry like the whaled prophet in a spookeerie. What sins is pim money sans Paris! I've lost the place, where was I? ; ; snow? Mich for his pain, Nick in his past. He has toglieresti in brodo all over his agrammatical parts of face and as for ; ; that hippofoxphiz, unlucky number, late for the christening! Eh, Monsieur? Où Monsieur? Eu, Monsieur? Nenni No, Monsieur! Ere we hit the hay, brothers, let's have that response to prayer!